Swap Your Tokens With Low Slippage
Coffee Dex’s smart routing, deep liquidity, and latest AMM technology allow you to enjoy low slippage and high return when swapping one cryptocurrency for another.
Stake and Earn Passive Income
Stake your assets for instant passive income streams. No deposit or withdrawal fees. You have full control over your funds.
Liquidity Layer for Arbitrum Chain
Coffee Dex was designed to onboard the next generation of protocols to the Arbitrum chain by opening up a free market for COFFEE emissions. Protocols can bribe veCOFFEE holders or acquire veCOFFEE to redirect emissions to their pools, offering a flexible and capital efficient solution to bootstrap and scale liquidity.

How It Works

Control COFFEE’s destiny by locking into veCOFFEE.
veCOFFEE Holders

Lock COFFEE Token and Receive veCOFFEE

Lock COFFEE for up to 2 years to receive vote-escrowed COFFEE (veCOFFEE). The longer the lock, the more veCOFFEE you receive.

Use veCOFFEE to Vote for Your Favorite Pools

veCOFFEE gives you the power to decide which pools should receive COFFEE emissions.

Receive Bribes and Trading Fees

Voting for a pool lets you claim a share of the weekly bribes and trading fees.
Novel ve(3,3) Tokenomics
Inspired by the vote-escrow model from Curve and the anti-dilution mechanism from Olympus, veCOFFEE holders control 100% of Coffee’s emissions allocated to gauges and benefit from weekly rebases, reducing dilution from emissions over time. Coffee Model rewards long-term supporters, and aligns stakeholders interests by incentivizing fee generation.
A Community-Owned Protocol
No VCs, no seed round. coffee dex had a decentralized distribution that targeted regular users of core protocols on the Arbitrum chain and supported protocols that intend to leverage coffee dex to build their liquidity. The novel NFT fundraising mechanism allows us to incentivize best practices from stakeholders and bootstrap an amazing community of Coffee Dex without the need to sell tokens
Low Fee Hybrid vAMM/ sAMM
With fees ranging from 0.01% for stable pools to 0.2% for variable pools, coffee dex allows traders to execute trades with minimal slippage. Executing a trade will follow the cheapest route based on available liquidity in the pools, with trading fees incurred.
Q4 2023
Q1 2024
Future Beyond
Concentrated Liquidity
Cross-chain Swaps
LIMIT and TWAP Orders
Launchpad Accelerator
$COFFEE Lending & Borrowing
Expert Trading Mode
Fiat on/off-ramp
Tier 1 CEX Listing(s)
Top 1 DEX on Arbitrum Chain
One Million Users
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